Asset/Liability IRR and Compensated Risk Management
CFOs have a tough job: every budget is based on assumptions about the direction of interest rates, net interest margins, and forecasts for local, national and global economies. But nobody knows - even economists: from 1982 through 2001, 70% of all Economists surveyed by the Wall Street Journal got even the direction of interest rates wrong.[1]
However, cash flows of assets and liabilities can be determined with a high degree of accuracy once an interest rate scenario is selected.
GGAM provides independent third-party assessments; it has no financial ties with broker-dealers. This is what GGAM does:
Assesses changes in IRR, concentration and liquidity risks… and
determines optimal asset allocations, liquidity and liabilities,
and the consequences of being wrong, and then - offers strategies to achieve objectives.
How? Take a look: